COLD WEATHER NOTICE: If you live in a cold weather climate (below freezing), note that this product is at risk of separation if exposed to freezing temperatures during transit. Separated products are safe to consume, but it is not possible for the product to be returned to its intended condition. It is best to order this product above freezing temperatures or at the store directly during cold weather.
Avocado Mayo: Our avocado mayonnaise is made with avocado oil and cage-free eggs, and it is soy- and canola-free! With a very neutral taste, recipes taste just like they should
Not artificial: Our non-GMO promise means we never use ingredients that are genetically modified, so you can trust the quality and taste, making this keto mayonnaise a condiment essential
MayoYAYse not MayoNAYse: Our Avocado Mayonnaise is made with avocado oil, Non-GMO ingredients, cage-free eggs, and is soy and canola free. Try this delicious alternative to traditional, canola-based mayonnaise with the benefits of avocado oil
Educate your tastebuds: BetterBody Foods products combine better-for-you ingredients with delicious flavor. We are committed to nutritious, better foods made with real, simple ingredients